Case study

How we saved our client's salespeople almost 50% of their time

We deployed a new chatbot that handles 47% of all incoming messages on the client’s website on average. What used to be done by the sales team now happens automatically.

Challenge accepted: Handling inquiries without the intervention of a salesperson

What not to do when you have a small sales team? Jam them with hundreds of messages a month on web chat.

When we discovered that our client was getting thousands of messages a year, it made sense to shine some light on them. We read roughly the history of messages and found that most visitors only had a simple question, one that we had already answered somewhere on the site. Only a few messages required a response from a salesperson.

Based on this realization, we suggested to the client that we set up a chatbot to handle these messages automatically, freeing up the sales team’s hands.

Our approach and solution

Analysis of the current situation

Once the client approved the project, we read the incoming messages in the Smartsupp app in detail. We divided the queries by service and highlighted the most common ones. Then, we prepared a matrix of questions, answers, and links if the questions were answered somewhere on the site (on the service page or in a blog article). In addition to incoming messages, we read the outgoing responses from merchants and added relevant information to the matrix.

With this matrix, we could finally start preparing scenarios.

Preparing chat scenarios

We prepared simple scenarios for each type of service and query and linked them to relevant content on the site. We prepared the scenarios in a structured document for later easy localization into other languages.

Testing on one website

We first deployed the Smartsupp chatbot in a test run on just one language version of the site. The first month showed that the chatbot responded to 37% of all messages received without needing salesperson intervention.

Deployment on all 4 sites

After the first month, we slightly modified the test scenarios for greater efficiency and localized and deployed the chatbot to all 4 language mutations of the client’s websites. We continued to check its functionality every month.

Chatbot handles 47% of incoming messages, so salespeople don't have to

After a few more months, we found that the chatbot responds to an average of 47% of all incoming messages. Imagine that salespeople suddenly don’t have to deal with half of all incoming queries. We continue to measure, test, and deploy more scenarios to free up the sales team further.

Would this work on your website, too?

Drop us a line, and let’s talk about it.

Let us promote your product

Stop worrying about your marketing. If you would like to see what we can do for you, leave us a message. We’ll promptly get in touch and get the ball moving.

How we saved our client’s salespeople almost 50% of their time
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